Press Release

2009 Original Press Release - Though outdated, please free to copy, paste and use in any publicity material, thanks.


A fully independent, self-made & funded feature film made in Manchester

“They wanted to make a film about Woody Allen in NYC.
Two Cities. One Film. No idea.”

MANCHESTER, England - 'Mancattan' is a 100% independent feature film which has been made in Manchester and Manhattan by two intrepid Mancunians in their own time.

Phil Drinkwater and Colin Warhurst decided to make the full-length film as a stepping-stone into the film industry and to prove that a good story, talent and firm commitment, can overcome any obstacles that get in the way of achieving the goal of making a movie yourselves.

The film is a romantic comedy about the ups, downs and neuroses of two twenty-somethings completely mystified with what their future purposes in life are meant to be. They jet off to New York to make good on promises they have made to themselves, but in chasing their dream they also realise that they could simply be running away from their problems back home.

The film is in the final stages of post production and has taken almost a year and a half to make. Colin Warhurst believes it's been worth the wait. "It's taken lots of courage and audacity to make this ourselves but I really think we've managed to make something special." The film has been shot using the Mini-DV format, which Colin believes is the key to unlocking a whole new generation of talent. “DV is affordable to film-makers on smaller budgets. If somebody had given us film stock and cameras, we’d have used them. We didn’t, we had DV tapes, cameras and editing software. It’s the story, attitude and technique that really matter.”

Co-writer and director Phil Drinkwater adds “It's a film made for our age group, people in their twenties, and about the massive change we all go through as we make the transition from education to being a real, working person. It's something everyone can relate to. Plus it's a love story that also happens to be damn funny."

The characters in the film are obsessed with Woody Allen and so of course this film works as an homage to the great director, the film being deeply inspired by his classic works such as 'Annie Hall' and 'Manhattan.' On this level, Mancattan also serves as a love letter to the filmmaker’s home city of Manchester, a place that has deeply influenced their film. The cities of Manchester and Manhattan are the real stars of the film.

Phil and Colin want the film to be a big Manchester event, a celebration of the city and of filmmaking, and they hope that it could inspire other people. "We hope people realise that we made this entirely in our own time, balancing full time jobs and all of life's other responsibilities. But we believe that if you want to do something, if you put your mind, talent and enthusiasm into it, there's nothing to stop you."