
"Mancattan" is a non-profit film made for private use, and is not intended for sales of any sort. No money is being made from the sale or download this film, and nobody was paid to make it. The film-maker's shares of any advertising revenue generated by web pages hosting the film are being donated to recognised charities in their entirety.

This film is no way sponsored by Woody Allen or any of his respective affiliates or associates. This film, the story, the characters and their opinions and discussions are in no way a direct reflection on Woody Allen, the man, his ideas or opinions.

The character's discussion of Woody Allen and his works are meant purely for narrative purposes, and always meant with a genuine sense of admiration, respect and aspiration.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead except for the purposes of satire is entirely unintentional. We make no claim to any logos, designs or artworks that may feature partially in the background of our films. Where possible we have tried to limit any potential infringement as incidental inclusion. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of film fans and independent film-makers.


This film was made on no budget by film fans, for film fans, over the course of several years, using whatever equipment, time, talent and resources we had to hand.

As a small team inspired to make films, and inspired by the Cities of Manchester and Manhattan, we hope you, the viewer, appreciates the can-do spirit and guerilla nature of the film and hope that perhaps it will inspire other film-makers to do the best with what they have, and to tell their stories.

Thank you.